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The ninth month of pregnancy. How the baby develops

As a rule, certainly by the ninth month of pregnancy, the expectant mother leaves her job and is closely engaged in preparing for the upcoming birth so soon. Most women say that by the ninth month of pregnancy they have a strong desire for the pregnancy to finally end, and the baby was born. At the same time, most expectant mothers experience severe anxiety associated with the process of childbirth.
The main task of the baby's development at the thirty–sixth to fortieth weeks of pregnancy is to gain the final weight and height. What the baby will be like directly depends on the height and complexion, genetic features of the constitution of his parents. Sometimes it happens that short and slender parents have a large baby. Its size in this case is due to a genetic factor. The baby has already turned upside down. Now he has taken his final position in the uterus and is ready to be born. But it happens that the baby remains head up, this position doctors call pelvic presentation of the fetus. In such a situation, a woman is shown delivery by caesarean section. The baby's body is practically not covered with fluffy hairs, they can be preserved only on some parts of the body: shoulders, arms, legs, ears.
The original lubricant in some cases covers the entire body of the child, sometimes it remains only in the skin folds. The intestines of the child are filled with a specific substance. This is the so–called primordial feces, or otherwise - meconium. This substance has a dark color, usually after the birth of the baby, it is excreted from the intestine on the first day. Baby trains her breathing and learns to swallow. Now your baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, amniotic fluid only surrounds it and has a smaller volume compared to the volume of the baby itself. Now it's already hard for the baby to turn around in mom's stomach, it's almost impossible. The kid can only kick. If the child is born now, then nothing threatens him, his body is completely ready for independent functioning.
Pregnancy at this time is considered full-term by doctors. If the baby decides to be born, then its weight will be about two seven hundred to three and a half kilograms, and the height will reach fifty to fifty-three centimeters. The child is able to loudly declare himself with his cry. The skin of the crumbs will no longer be so red, but lighter, since a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat has accumulated under it, which is responsible for heat exchange in the body. There are already nails on the fingers. In boys, the testicles are already clearly marked, in girls, the labia majora cover the small ones – this is also an important criterion for the child's readiness for birth and maturation of his body.
If a woman is expecting her first child, then the baby has most likely already dropped closer to the entrance to the uterus. The child is actively gaining weight. He gets about thirty grams heavier a day. And so it is every day, right up to the very birth. The uterus puts less pressure on the pregnant woman's stomach and on the diaphragm. Now the expectant mother is not so much bothered by heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. And it becomes much easier for her to breathe. However, the pressure on the bladder increases, so the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
During this period, the mother should pay close attention to the activity of the child. If the baby moves less than ten times a day, then consult a doctor. It is necessary to listen to the baby's heartbeat in order to exclude the development of some problems that a child may have. online casino ideal 10 euro

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